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First Annual SofYE Summer Camp


The School of Young Entrepreneurs Summer Camp held its first camp on the Warren-Walker Middle School campus. 62 campers attended 1, 2, 3, or all 4 weeks; 28 students were from other San Diego schools and 34 campers were from Warren-Walker School.

Thanks to our generous donors, Cynthia Butitta and Steve Montgomery, Hervey Charitable Trust, The University of California, San Diego and The Point Loma Association, we were able to provide a four-week camp, tuition-free. Each morning, students were in a classroom setting learning about financial literacy and how to build a business. After lunch, campers listened to guest speakers and went on field trips. Each Friday, students competed in a pitch competition, similar to Shark Tank, and the winners received prizes. The students had lots of fun, while learning and meeting new friends. We can’t wait for next summer!

Please click here to view our camp scrapbook: SofYE Camp Scrapbook.

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