The School of Young Entrepreneurs is the major program under the auspices of the Warren-Walker Promise Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) public benefit organization that provides financial support to the people, organizations, and programs dedicated to the educational development of children from preschool through high school.
The School of Young Entrepreneurs (SofYE) Summer Camp, launched in 2022, provides a 4-week, tuition-free experience for middle school students to learn business acumen, planning, cost analysis, budgeting, marketing, and pitching their business ideas.
The core ethos of the camp is the award-winning programs of Junior Achievement, particularly financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness. The curriculum includes classroom work, guest speakers, demonstrations, prototype building, pitch contests, and field trips to area businesses.
The School of Young Entrepreneurs offers students the opportunity to enhance their entrepreneurial spirit by participating in an actual retail business - The SofYE Variety Store where they learn organization and inventory skills, pricing, and profit/loss analysis while earning money for their efforts.